Luca's filmography includes a wide range of genres, from the intense comedy thriller O.C.D. to the raunchy stoner comedy The Tragic Death of a Frenchman.

Luca's filmography includes a wide range of genres, from the intense comedy thriller O.C.D. to the raunchy stoner comedy The Tragic Death of a Frenchman.

Luca's filmography includes a wide range of genres, from the intense comedy thriller O.C.D. to the raunchy stoner comedy The Tragic Death of a Frenchman.

Luca's films have screened at top festivals worldwide, earning over 70+ awards and nominations.
Luca's films have screened at top festivals worldwide, earning over 70+ awards and nominations.
Luca's films have screened at top festivals worldwide, earning over 70+ awards and nominations.